I've been working on some Valentine's
Day projects lately and one of them involves vinyl. Yick. It took me a while,
but I finally got some things figured out!
Red Marine Vinyl from Joann's |
The first thing I
figured out was to cut this one layer at a time! I tend to be an impatient
cutter, so if it's just cotton or something, I can do four or so layers.
Straight lines with my rotary and a ruler, I can manage way more! But vinyl is
apparently finicky and you don't end up with accurate lines when you do it that
way. So I took it as a lesson in patience. Or something...
I know a lot of
people use binder clips or paper clips to hold their vinyl, but I found if I
pinned close to the edges,
the pin holes
practically disappeared by the end.
I also found on
curved seams, you still have to clip the seam allowance. I thought I could get
away with just flipping it over (yeah, yeah, the whole patience thing didn't
stick), but that caused real problems!
These (hard-to-see)
little messy spots are from not clipping the seams, and also from sewing the
lining on the outside. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but since the vinyl
doesn't have any give to it, it pulled the lining away from the edges - despite
using pins - and made it a pain in the patoot to keep even while sewing.
As for the actual
sewing, I've heard a couple different methods for keeping the vinyl from
sticking to the presser foot. My son is currently addicted to Mythbusters, so I
figured I better conduct my own experiment!
The first method is
to use tissue paper over the vinyl. This worked, to an extent. It was really
difficult to see where I was sewing though, and the paper stuck inside the
Also, it would take forever
to pick it out of all the seams!
The second way is to
put a piece of Scotch tape over the bottom of the foot. Be sure to cut out a
little window over where the needle goes down before you start sewing!
Some of us forgot this little step and now have a sticky needle...
Other than that, it
worked like a charm! Even with a fancy stitch that moved the vinyl all over the
And it worked quite
well on the actual project, too - curves and all.
So - wanna see what I'm making? Of
course you do!
A button just for Tasha
These sweet little
bags! Personally, I'm in love with them! My normal philosophy is to make boy stuff
because there are sooo many girly things available, but I couldn't resist when
I had this idea :)
They have a lace
strap and are lined with white, sparkle gray, or dark gray and have random
pretty buttons from my collection (I knew I was saving those for something!).
Want one for your own
little Valentine? You can pick them up in my Etsy shop!
And, just for fun (and because this is
our blog, after all), gratuitous pictures of John playing Cupid - whether he
was happy about it or not!
"OK this is weird" |
"Yeah look. It's a bag. Happy?" |
"This is fun!" |
"Wait, you're putting these pics where?"
"But people will see them!" |
"Please?" |
"Daddy's gonna get you!" |
"Hey look! It opens!" |
"Sharp?" His favorite thing to test.
Cupid's arm guard?
Happy sewing!